SUP'MANAGEMENT - Recognized by the state

Pan-African Citizen Forum

The Pan-African Citizen Forum; a creation of the Sup’management, is an innovative and unique concept in today’s Africa who lives an era of impressive and generalized development.

The Forum is a place of exchange, sharing and dissemination of knowledge; a place of public expression and advocating on various topics and complications that are social, economic, managerial, environmental, and all this on a continental scale.

The concept has its roots in the ancient practices which took place when the temples of knowledge were open to all, inspired from the tradition of “public universities”.

The objective is to foster an expression that is free, constructive, convergent and responsible, allowing the participants on each occasion to contribute in debates and to express themselves regarding major issues that we live in in Africa.

The Forum organizes, as part of its mission, debates, workshops, conferences and different manifestations: cultural, scientific and academic, with the intervention of renowned experts.

The access to the Forum’s activities is free of charge and leads to the granting of a “Pan-African Prestige Certificate” issued jointly by the Forum and the Foundation of Sup'management.

“Distinctions of international partners” are served to the Forum’s guests of honor.