SUP'MANAGEMENT - Recognized by the state


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Open Day 19° Edition

  • Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sup’management Group has organized the 19th Edition Open Day a Club TAE FINE:

  • Guests reception
  • School Conference
  • Lunch intermed
  • Activities
  • Animated Soiree

Activities: Paint ball, Tir à l’arc , Playstation, Billard, Baby Foot, Basket, Ping-pong, Jeux vidéo: flipper...


Dinner For the educational Team

  • Friday November 15th, 2013

An anuual dinner to celebrate the new academic year 2013/2014. It was held at the club of phramacists


The Graduation Ceremony & Partnership Ceremonial between Sup’management and Superior School of Tourism "Costa Del Sol" - Malaga / Spain

  • Saturday July 6th 2013

The Sup’management Group has organized a Graduation Ceremonial for the seventeenth promotion baptized "GHANDI" under the distinguished presence of academicians, political and economical first rate personalities and civil society operators (more than 1500 guests). The promotion went under the twin sponsorship of Dr. Moulay Ahmed IRAQI, Environment’s Ex Former Secretary and Mrs Helene FRANQUET, Administrator of the Superior School of Tourism "Costa del Sol", Malaga / Spain.


Finale du tournoi Inter-Communautés au STADE HASSAN II

  • Saturday, May 25, 2013


  • Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Sup’management Group has organized :

  • Conference on theme: Morocco and the onset of Globalization: Opportunities and Challenges
    Moderated by Mr. Nicolas HAMELIN
    International Professor & Consultant

  • Conference on the theme of: Offshoring and Opportunities for Morocco, moderated by Mr. Ahmed AMMOR
    Property Manager of Parc Fez Shore at Medz Sourcing – CDG Group

Partnership Ceremonial between Sup’management and University of South Paris – IUT of Sceaux

  • Friday, March 1, 2013