SUP'MANAGEMENT - Recognized by the state


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The year’s Ceremonial of July 2008 celebrated the twelfth Graduation Promo baptized Ibn Nafis (2008), and was conducted under the presence of High ranked personalities from the Academic, politic and economic worlds as well as under the presence of prestigious personalities from the Civilian Society (over 1500 guests). This 2008 Promo was co-sponsored by M. Mohamed BERRADA, former Secretary of Finances and by the Great Prince Michel KARATCHEVSKY, Sup'management Honorific President.


The Ceremonial joined together side to side distinguished foreign and national personalities as it went following a succession of events such as:

  • The deliverance of trophies and honorific titles to the promotion sponsors
  • The deliverance of Prizes to the Representatives of the Group’s partners institutions
  • The deliverance of titles of honor to the Group’s professors and administrators
  • Giving Diplomas and Medals to the graduated

The number of graduated reached 344 among them:

  • BAC + 3 : 92 laureates (specialization: Finances Sciences, Commercial and Computer Engineering)
  • BAC + 5 : 206 laureates (specialization: International Commerce, Finances book-keeping & Computer Sciences)
  • Double graduations : 46 laureates of Euroamerican International University (E.I.U.).


An animated cocktail party also took place at the near end of the ceremonial under the artistic contribution of musical groups.

A Gala was evenly been scheduled to take place on the Saturday evening, 05 of July 2008 (starting at 19h) and attained by the Group’s Students Association ‘Leader Managers’, as it is carried out at the end of each academic year.