SUP'MANAGEMENT - Recognized by the state

Intercontinental Conference of Universities & Higher Schools

Préambule :

Within the framework of the international dynamic of partnership relating to the development of synergies, exchanges and lobbying in the higher education sector and in order to allow a fruitful exchange of experiences and working tools between renowned institutions , A Consortium for Research and Higher Education was created to bring together Universities and Grandes Ecoles Supérieures on an intercontinental scale.

This consortium is called "Intercontinental Conference of Universities and Higher Schools" (ICUHS).

Consortium objectives:

  • Create a space for consultation, exchange and reflection on the development of the higher education sector, and Strengthen communication at the informational and institutional level in the sector
  • Organize and strengthen relations between its members, and with the components of its environment (Regulatory authorities, partner institutions, companies, international organizations, students, general public, etc.).
  • Take steps of common interest with the public authorities of the countries concerned and with regional, national and international organisations.
  • Harmonize, reorganize and develop the training oer according to the profiles of the students (clients) and the needs of the markets of the countries from which the member institutions come.
  • Develop fundamental and applied research (through the establishment of joint research projects, scientific and technical publications, international conferences, scientific and cultural activities, etc.)
  • Contribute to raising the quality of higher education, academic excellence and ethics.
  • Develop international cooperation in general, as well as specific partnerships for actions carried out between its members (training of trainers, exchange of teachers and students, internships, documentation, etc.).
  • Provide member institutions with the financial resources necessary for their development.
  • Provide the Consortium with four structures listed below:
    1. A foundation
    2. An Economic Intelligence Observatory
    3. An Observatory of professions
    4. An Academy of entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Make the Consortium a support for socio-economic development, innovation and entrepreneurship, within the countries from which the members of the consortium come.