A. Preamble:
Sup'management, established in 1995 in Fez, and having cumulated over 20 years of experience and a huge portfolio of relationships and partners across the Continent, has launched, in recent years, a project to build a university campus:
- Fes : Land of 20 ha,
- Tangier: Land of 10 ha.
These two projects are currently in the stage of studies and administrative authorizations.
Here is the data on the campus project.
B. Identification of the campus project in Fez:
The project is to create a modern campus with recognized international standard norms and to transfer existing structures and students to its current location in downtown Fez, thereby achieving adequacy reflecting a local image.
The planned University Campus is an initiative of the following partners:
- The Sup'Management Group
- The Euro-African Foundation for Research, Culture and Education "FORCE"
- The "Euroamerican international university"- USA
- Foreign Investors.
C. Project Mission:
The project has the following missions:
- Create institutional, educational, cultural and social structures, available to students, working executives, academics, and researchers
- Increase the potential of human capital as a determinant of entrepreneurial competitiveness and promote sustainable development of the community by promoting the dissemination of new technologies and new management methods
- Establish a crossroads and a place of exchange between African cultures and other world cultures.
D. Project benefits:
- The drainage of at least 3,000 to 5,000 young students from different nationalities and providing them with a modern campus true educational and cultural center and a forum for meetings and exchanges par excellence,
- The creation of a framework for development and research for business executives and university professors with an opening on international academic and professional experience, and the establishment of a business incubator, whose share of joint Moroccan-African initiatives is important,
- Participation in sustainable development and the revitalization of sectors of the economy (particularly the social economy), and the promotion of local and global competitiveness of businesses, organizations, and associations, based on growth, innovation, and technological development,
- Promoting exchanges with international and local academic institutions, industrials, institutional, associations & NGOs, financial institutions, research centers, etc ...
- The creation of a large number of permanent jobs (campus administration: 163 posts) and permanent or temporary posts (education, training, and coaching for 60 permanent posts and 190 temporary staff positions) and the indirect creation several nearby businesses on campus by third parties (shopping, cafes, photocopying, funds transfer, car rental, etc ...).
E. Technical overview of the project:
The new campus is designed to house the various existing or newly created centers, on the 5 following groups:
1. The campus administration
- The administration of the University and the Foundation ‘FORCE’
- Security, infirmary, prayer room, car park, parking
2. An educational complex
- A Faculty of Management, the School of Engineering, the School of Tourism, a School of Diplomacy & Governance, a School for Renewable Energies, a School of Aerospace, Automotive & Rail: These entities will be used for more than twenty training courses.
- A Virtual University: The VU ensures all configurations of the remote campus, via an e-learning platform.
3. Agora Technologies
- An international multidisciplinary research center: The center, which works closely with universities, companies, and similar foreign institutions will - thanks to its achievements - help benefit the various aforementioned operators of various real life experiences of all kinds.
- A Graduate School: This entity provides a delocalized doctoral program (PhD) of three foreign universities.
- An Observatory of economic intelligence
- A Panafrican Citizen Forum
- A training center and a School of Trades: The Continued Learning Centre 'CERF CONSULT' is dedicated to various diplomas or degrees in continued education for executives in business. The vocational school will include three entities: An ICT Academy, an Offshore Academy, a Centre of Excellence.
- An incubator, a business incubator, & a Business Center.
4. A Cultural, Social, and Sports Complex
- A Multimedia Library with Video Conferencing: Practical work, access to documentation, documentary research, learning and exchange by videoconference
- A cinema & a theater and culture workshops: Varied cultural and social vocation structures for young people.
- A forum for the youth and associative body: Communications, productivity, and research building
- A Sportive infrastructure for the youth: sports room, gymnasiums, tennis court, pools.
5. Housing cities with café-restaurants
- Housing cities for Students, Speakers, & Visiting consultants
- Cafe-restaurants
The campus model is derived as follows:
- Administration, 2-floor building
- Administration Annex on the ground floor
- Educational complex, 3-floor building:
- Management Faculty
- School of Engineering
- School of Tourism
- School of Governance
- Health faculty
- School of Agriculture
- School of Renewable Energy
- School of Aeronautics, Space, Ships, Automobiles, & Railways
- Simulation Area
- Lecture hall, ground floor
- Agora Technologies 2-floor building:
- South-South Observatory for Economic Intelligence (OSSIE)
- Research Center
- Forum Citoyen Panafricain
- Training Center
- Trade School
- Sup’management Ventures
- Cultural and Sports Centre, 2-floor building:
- Library
- Cinema theatre and cultural workshops
- Youth forum
- Out-door Sports Complex
- Indoor Pool
- Cafes and Restaurants, 1-floor building
- Girls’ dormitory, 3-floor building
- Boys’ dormitory, 3-floor building
- Bungalows, 1-floor building
- Parking area / lot